Welcome to the official site of Sky High (#8RJ2CRLR), a mature Clash of Clans clan. Please read all the guidelines as they should answer most of your questions. When sending a request to join do not use the default message, or we may think you are a random spam add.
- We are an English speaking clan. Communication is important, so only use English in the clan chat and for troop requests.
- Keep your opt status updated. We are a constant war clan, so this status is important!
- Use both attacks in wars. Failure to use both attacks (without informing the leadership why) could result in removal from the clan.
- First attack in wars should happen in the first 12 hours of the war. You should attack one spot down from your number in war (not the recommended). For example, if you are number 3 in the war then you will attack number 4 on their clan first.
- Second attack should happen in the last 12 hours of war (this is so people can get their stars). Use a leader’s direction for attacking, or cleanup stars where possible.
- Respect the troop requests (when the space is available). Be smart when filling the other troops (like if there are ground troops then donate ground, and not air). If you cannot meet the donation requests then simply do not donate!
- Co leader is reserved, do not even ask for it. Having co leader in the wrong hands can destroy clans.
- Elder is earned through war effort, donations, and communication (awarded by leaders as seen fit). If you are asking for elder it likely means you haven’t earned it yet.
- Members need to be active, involved in clan communications, and not rushed for their Town Hall level.
hamra puran papi…hamaak agla sikha lagbannoi…..
this forum is awesome!
it’s cool that we have to use only english
I finally updated the page. Pew pew pew. Join us people! We want to have active war members!
Hog wash haha. I don’t think Tarder would fuck anything up but I understand master yoda hahaha
This is getting an update (finally) since we are getting more active. It will be easier to give out the clan rules to new members. :z_mario_tom: :z_mario_ghost: :z_mario_fisher:
Meow, woof, meep meep! :mooning: :head-bang: :z_ninja: :zhalo_flip:
Jit did not follow your guidelines –
“For your first attack you must attack your same number.”
He’s 14 and does his first attack on 18???
Jit then hit 17 for 2 stars!?!? Man, Jit is a TH8 attacking TH7’s? Now, who will the lower guys attack? I can’t believe people stay in this clan.
We tried running 20s to include whole clan, looks like we will have to stick to picking 10s
Kick the ones that didn’t attack that.
thought I’d do you a favor.
Aside from the people not attacking:
– Your bases are too easy, especially TH9’s
– your clan members don’t have their troops leveled up
– kick the people not attacking, but train the ones that do attack –
All Clan War Guides:
We are mostly a group of people who know each other in real life. People have jobs, families,and so on. We are trying to get more competitive, but we need some recruiting. You guys owned us, only missed one star. Good work. :z_pig: :zhalo_ang:
Yeah, I’ve got 3 kids myself. I get the time constraint. One last tip: don’t post the ClashCaller link on the website here. We’ve had people totally ruin ours while in war. Especially, you don’t want opposing clans going in there. We created a Facebook group and post it in there.
The Warlords. Have fun. 🙂
So far it’s been a meatfest party!!! :z_pig: :z_pig: :z_pig:
This clan is asleep. They are easy to attack and don’t seem to do much. :z_lame: :z_lame:
From last clan war of 15 v 15? Not sure what happened that war, but we had hardly any participation 😥
Remember to attack the number in war same as you first, then attack someone else, we did this for the past two wars and won, so let’s keep doing that
Next War 08/05/15 at 10PM EST (10 v 10)
Reply to this comment, or use in clan chat (when leader/co is on) for a spot in the war!
Hey guys, I would like a spot in the war if there is a spot for me. I’m really trying to upgrade my stuff so that I’m solid and can get the 3 stars in wars. Thanks!
People you should have kicked out are the “leaders, co, elders”! who don’t attack right away and wait! By that time your already way behind! Stupid fucks!
I see you posted your name from clash (sarcasm in case you missed that).. The leader, Elder, and co who don’t attack at least communicate when they can’t. The people booted were not attacking, not communicating, not donating, requesting a lot, and not getting war stars.. So they were voted on and booted. If you want to post who this is we can discuss more, but based on the response this must be a youngster raging.. “KKTHXBAI”
I’m in.
I’m in.
I’m keen
I’m in
Next War 07/28 at 10pm EST
We will be trying to do 10v10, 15v15, 20v20, or 25v25.. The 30+v30+ are not going too well. We have been getting bad match ups with our searching. Hopefully dropping down may provide a few wins as we try to level up the clan.
Must reply to this comment/page with your in game name here to be included in next war. Co/Elder will get the spots over members if we have more people reply than spots available.
In for war