UT99 Maps coming soon.. But SMILE!

I have been rather busy and haven’t been able to get the maps compiled into archives yet. I wanted to make sure that I have all the required pieces included, and also wanting to have little notes and details on the maps. I even have thought about doing a YouTube walk through on some of the more popular maps to highlight features. Since I haven’t even played any UT since I installed it, it has taken me some time. I will try to have those posted shortly.

I have added a few plugins to make the site better. I have added emoticons to comments. Now you can spice up whatever comments you want to make with signs, UT animations, and randomness! Here is a small sample: :z_dots: :ut_slv: :z_game: :zhalo_flip: :z_pig: :z_noob: :ut_rocket: :z_dollar: :zhalo_pimp: :ut_bio:

Another plugin manages the YouTube videos so they adapt if they are resized as opposed to a fixed size. This will help all viewers, but mostly mobile ones.

1,223 thoughts on “UT99 Maps coming soon.. But SMILE!”

  1. Muito me espanta este texto não ter nenhum comentário(eu própria não o fiz).Ao reler este texto, talvez por estar tão pensativa neste orixá hoje, parece que estou perante um espelho, não só meu mas do meu país.Exu é a força de ação e é exatamente disso que precisamos todos,vitalidade,virilidade,potência, pois a jornada nunca fora tão pesada para todos.porquê?n sei..vamos confiar em exu p que ele mostre a cada um o que está errado…

  2. Radule,discutiile religie vs. practici sexuale sunt numai f**king waist of time.Referirile din Noul Testament (si ma refer cu precadere la afirmatiile lui Isus din Nazaret) la sexualitate sunt aproape inexistente. Daca se doreste intr-adevar o discutie pe aceasta tema … pai, hai sa vedem acele afirmatii atat de contestabile !Eu ma intreb cu ce gand citesc unii Biblia. In speranta ca dau de material pornografic ? (de laba sau de degetel ?). Geeee …

  3. OMG, this is just BEAUTIFUL!! I just have to make it. I’ve only made challah once in the past, but it turned out great. I’m always up for a challenge! Plus I have that gorgeous red Kitchenaid mixer now Thank you so much!! Le’Shana Tova!! Love ya!Carol

  4. Welcome to the blog concerned citizen. I’m concerned too. How will our kids feel and what will they think when the realize the bill our generation has stuck them with because of our selfish entitlement mentality that needs to be satisfied, regardless of the fact that we can’t afford it.

  5. …which isn’t the same as actually lying. The people closest to you deserve your honesty everyone else will believe or disbelieve you depending on if they like what they are hearing. Fortunately it is virtually impossible to lie to yourself unless you are completely deslusional, which some people are, of course. And before you ask for the truth, be sure you can handle the truth!!

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  7. О каком качестве обучения может идти речь? Если весь педогогический состав во главе с директором, старается из простой школы сделать что-то элитное. Это уже не школа, а гимназия, а до этого она еще пару раз переименовывалась. Не школа-а фуфло. Лично я своего сына переводить буду в другую, простую школу.


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