Smite Giveaway: 2x 400 Gems and Xbox Early Access Key !

So, I decided to do another Smite giveaway since the last key didn’t go very well. I will be picking three different winners on this one. Two will receive 400 gems each (gifted to their Smite computer profile of choice), and one winner will get the Xbox One Early Access Key!

    Prizes (Three winners):

  • Smite Xbox One Early Access Key
  • 400 Smite Gems (computer)
  • 400 Smite Gems (computer)

Winners Picked 05/08/15 at 6:00pm EST

While you are here please check out some of the other content:

Random Smite God Wheel

God Review: Medusa, the Gorgon

14 thoughts on “Smite Giveaway: 2x 400 Gems and Xbox Early Access Key !”

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  3. Twitter-@Cavarooney4
    I would like the gems please! πŸ˜‰ My Smite name is the same as everything else! πŸ˜‰

  4. Twitter @jt31486

    I’d like to be considered for the Xbox one key if possible. I’ve been watching twitch streams all day and am pretty jealous of a few people in my friends list. Would be really excited if I was given a key.


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