Well… I am not sure how it went four months without a post. The work grind has been kind of chaos, so I think I’ve just been a zombie of sorts. Never able to truly disconnect from the work items. This is starting to get a bit better, but it is still kind of rough. Hopefully get back to normal sooner than later.
The Pokémon trading cards have been fun. I have been playing a lot online with the PTCGO client. My main deck is still my “I Got Worms” (now version v.3.3), but also playing around with some other single prize decks. “Moon Energy” is a Lunatone/Solrock deck that has been pretty consistent. I need to tweak my list some more, but it is getting there. Additionally I recently just built a Lucario deck to play test that Tricky Gym featured. I’ll post some deck lists below!
Just a few days ago I was able to make it to Black Swamp Games for a “Chaos Tournament”. It was a pre-release format type event with “mutant rules” (so same type could evolve up). Everyone got a random build and battle kit, then four different packs, to build their 40 card deck. I ended up with the Lucario kit from Brilliant Stars, and the four packs were Brilliant Stars, Fusion Strike, Astral Radiance, and Battle Styles. I built my kit to be pure fighting, and it played out well. I ended up winning the event undefeated. My score was 3 – 0 for the rounds, with 6 – 0 for the matches. Prizes were 6 packs of cards (2x Brilliant Stars, 2x Astral Radiance, 2x Fusion Strike).
I am now trying to build up the discord channel to help drive some Pokémon Trading Card Game tournaments in the Ohio area. We started creating “Events” to show what tournaments are upcoming. The deck list share will also be a great spot to help build/tweak/share decks. Go and join our Discord channel already!

It’s been a lot of fun playing with the Pokémon trade cards. I have been spending a lot of time using the PTCGO client to participate in online gaming.