Happy Halloween and Stuff!

It’s the end of October somehow, and Spooky Season is coming to a close. Tomorrow we tear down the decorations. These pumpkins are ripe with the heat we’ve had. It was a great Halloween! For Trick-or-Treat we had some friends and family over. We did a fire, chili, and then walked around the neighborhood. Got back in time to hand out some candy and Pokémon Cards. This was the third year I have done the Trick-or-Trade BOOster packs in addition to the candy. There was a boy at the end of the night who said my house was the only house keeping him going (it was the near the end and he had been walking a lot already). He said “I had to get to the Pokémon Card House” and that just made it all worth it (I gave him extra cards of course). I was rocking a classic fit of Hunter S. Thompson!

Our Pokémon League has grown A LOT. Which is awesome. With all the new players in all three games (or just coming to hang out) we have had great turn out on league nights. We have some cool events coming up, so if you’re reading this in the area check out our league site at PlayFindlay.com – we have all the events on there!

I have had the next Lil’ Oak Adventure episode (our 4th of July video) ready for awhile.. just needs one more watch and a compile. Sooo, coming soon!

We have had this outdoor cat chilling for over a month now. She’s hanging out all day long, getting foods, pets, and hangs. She is a cool cat! Reminds us of Sue a lot. Olivia and her have really bonded, but I don’t think we can bring her inside. She wants to be outside climbing trees – she is going to be bored in the house. We are going to get her a setup outside though for the winter.

The chickens are doing well, but starting to dial back on the laying already with the light and weather changing up. Hopefully we can keep enough eggs going that we don’t run out. They are cool critters though.

I don’t know if I posted about it – but I have been doing a bit of my Hardcore Ironman account – 0mok – which I hit 95 Woodcutting. Chop chop! Might have to get members again to do some pet hunt stuff.. but it’s a fun casual thing.

I really need to get better about posting on here more. I have been doing a paper journal thing which has been cool. Random thoughts and reflections things. Catch you on the next one!