GLC, MWIII, and Stuff!

So January went poof! Normally that’s a slow month after all the holiday excitement, but this year it just blipped away. Lots of cool stuff already going down this year, and more fun to come. The Gym Leader Challenge Invitational has kicked off officially. We had our first event at Post Board Gaming (11 more tournaments to come at PBG), plus there are other stores/groups hosting (Toledo and Columbus). … Read more

Goodbye 2023, Hello 2024!

I can’t believe how quickly December flew by us.. Between all the holiday get togethers and some unfortunate sickness, it was a blur. We are already getting deeper into the new year. Christmas was really fun this year with Olivia. She was super excited for the whole holiday. We did a lot of X-Mas activities such as Christmas in the Village, making cookies, train rides, and all the fun … Read more

All Da Poké – TCG, Sleep, Unite

The Pokémon TCG has been going awesome. I am “practicing” this 2024 season to see how I can do on getting Championship Points (CP). I don’t think I will be able to swing enough regional events this season to get the 600 CP needed for Worlds, so I am just working on getting comfortable with bigger tournaments. I am going to hit all the League Challenges and League Cups … Read more

Welcome to 2023!

Happy New Year! It’s now 2023, eh? 2022 seemed like it went poof for the most part. I am excited to see what this new year will bring, and I have some plans of my own (later in this post). I love how Twitch does all the freebie stuff. Whenever they give away the 7-Day Runescape memberships I have to hop back on. I was holding onto one of … Read more

Poke-Cord and Things

As I mentioned in the last post, we started to ramp up the Discord server to cover some Pokémon Trading Card type stuff. We now have five different sections (and may add more as activity drives). There is a general space, a flex channel, deck list share, tournaments, and battles/trades. If you think we need some more channels just suggest in the general space (and tag me). If you … Read more